An Invitation from Çayeli Bakır to January 10 Working Journalists Day

As in previous years, Çayeli Bakır met with members of the press working in Rize again this year on January 10 Working Journalists Day.

One of Turkey’s underground mining operations, Çayeli Bakır, hosted the press of Rize at a breakfast meeting organized for January 10, Working Journalist’s Day. Members of the press working in Rize attended the event hosted by Çayeli Bakır General Manager Murat Güreşçi and Çayeli Bakır administrators.

Çayeli Bakır General Manager Murat Güreşçi, who made the opening speech for the event, said; "We are able to follow the current affairs in our countries and the rest of the world thanks to journalists like you who have devoted their lives to this profession. You do your jobs with devotion regardless of time, place and season. You provide us with news every day. Just like you, we as a company are trying to do work that benefits the community. We strive to provide our employees, our environment and our community with lasting values while producing in a safe manner. We are trying to cultivate qualified professionals and miners for the mining industry of our country by contributing to the professional development of our employees. We strive to produce permanent values for our environment with a zero discharge policy and for our neighbors and therefore our community with our local employment policy.”

Güreşçi, who emphasized that Çayeli was working to cooperate with journalists, said; “We regard all of the news you publish, whether it is positive or negative, about our company with respect. With your help we work hard to increase the good work we do and avoid repeating any errors we have made. You shed light on us and hold a mirror to us as members of the press. We are always grateful to you for never holding back your support. I congratulate all of you on this Working Journalists Day.”

For More Information:
Dr. Ercan Balcı ÇBİ Director of External Relations – 0 464 544 60 63
© 2014 - Çayeli Bakır İşletmeleri
Madenli Beldesi, 53200 Madenli, Çayeli / RİZE - TURKEY Tel: +90 (464) 544 1 544 | Fax: +90 (464) 544 64 50