The winners of the World Miners Day competition have been determined

The winners of the poetry, art and composition competition on “mines and mining” organized for elementary, middle and high school students in the scope of December 4 World Miners Day, were announced at the ceremony held in the Çayeli İMKB Science High School. Çayeli Bakır presented prizes to students who ranked top three in each category.

The Çayeli District National Education Directorate organized poetry, art and composition competitions for elementary, middles and high school students on the subject of “mines and mining” in the scope of December 4, World Miners Day. The winners of the competitions were announced at the ceremony held at the Çayeli İMKB Science High School on December 4th. The award ceremony was attended by Çayeli Mayor İsmail Hakkı Çiftçi, Madenli Mayor Necip Yazıcı, Büyükköy Mayor Hamza Saruhan, Rize Provincial National Education Director Yaşar Koçak, Çayeli District National Education Director Hüseyin Şahin and Çayeli Bakır Human Relations Manager Osman Zeki Yazıcı, school principals, students and mine employees.

Çayeli Bakır, an underground mining operation of Turkey, presented awards at the ceremony to students who came in among the top three. Çayeli Bakır Human Relations Manager Osman Zeki Yazıcı, who spoke at the ceremony, said “Mining has been a sector that has existed throughout the history of man and has always made life easier for man; but while we are mining we must always protect the environment we will be leaving to our future generations. Our most precious gems are our miners. Happy Miners Days to all of us”. Çayeli National Education Director Hüseyin Şahin added “Çayeli Bakır is a company that is always on our side and supports us. I want to wish everyone working there and all our miners a Happy Miners Day”. The ceremony was concluded with the reading of poems and compositions by students accompanied by music and the award ceremony, in which the top students were presented with their awards.

The students that won awards in the competition and their rankings are as follows;

Art Competition
1. Emir Bektaşoğlu (Çayeli 9 Mart İÖO)
2. Ezgi Nil Dilber (Rize Hüseyin Yardımcı İÖO)
3. Ahmet Kadıoğlu (Derepazarı Merkez İÖO)

Poetry Competition
1. Zehra Betül Duysak (Çayeli Yamantürk İÖO)
2. Miray Öksüz (Rize Taşlıdere Gazi Ortaokulu)
3. Cihan İmamoğlu (Fındıklı Arılı Ortaokulu)

Composition Competition
1. Ceylin Sancaktutan (Rize Şehit Erhan Dural Kız Anadolu Lisesi)
2. Ceren Çakmak (Çayeli Meslek Teknik Anadolu Lisesi)
3. Batuhan Doğanay (Pazar Fen Lisesi)

For More Information:
Dr. Ercan Balcı ÇBİ Director of External Relations – 0 464 544 60 63
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