Surprise by Çayeli Bakır for Women’s Day
Çayeli Bakır İşletmeleri surprisingly announced at the event organized for employees at Rize Dedeman Hotel on March 7 that a female manager has been appointed as the head of one of the technical departments for the first time in the company's history. Proudly announcing the promotion of Maintenance Deputy Manager Gönül Uğultan to the position of Maintenance Manager, Çayeli Bakır İşletmeleri General Manager Iain Anderson said “Mining, which is dominated by employment of men, has now become a sector which women can also work in”. The event continued with the concert by one of the popular singers of the Black Sea, Hülya Polat.
Çayeli Bakır organizes a series of events to welcome its employees and their families to celebrate its achievements in 2013. ÇBİ Managing Director Iain Anderson emphasized the importance of loyalty to corporate values, production and continuity of work in his speech at the event held on March 7. He said “The important thing is how rather than how much you produce to gain reputation. While providing benefits for our sector and our economy, producing in a safe and environmental friendly manner with respect for the society is our biggest priority as Çayeli Bakır. Thus, we survive and thrive by producing together. I thank all Çayeli Bakır employees who have contributed to this development and their families”.
Iain Anderson also celebrated the International Women’s Day and stated that thanks to the new technologies used in mining dominated by men, women can easily work in this field of activity. After pointing out impressive skills and performance of women in work life, he made a surprise. He announced for the first time the promotion of ÇBİ Maintenance Deputy Manager Gönül Uğultan to the position of Maintenance Manager and said "I find it honorable that a woman has been promoted to such an important position in the highly intensive industry of mining”. The Company will realize remaining events through March 11-12.
For further information:
Dr. Ercan Balci ÇBI External Relations Manager - (464) 544 60 63
Communication Partner - Zuhal Güreli - 0554 892 50 95