Çayeli Bakır’s story is now a documentary

The story of ÇayeliBakır, Turkey’s underground mining enterprises, is being told in a fascinating documentary. “Beyond The Ore” not only shows the natural beauty of the Black Sea region, but also reveals the working environment that has been synonymous with safety in Rize for years. The documentary will premiere at the Rize Tea Film Festival, which takes place in Rize on 20-23 September 2018.

The story of ÇayeliBakır, one of the pillars of Turkish metal mining industry contributing to local and national economy since 1992, is the subject of an award-winning director Mehmet Binay’s 48-minute documentary.

“Beyond The Ore” documentary, which came to life after 300 hours of underground, outdoors and aerial filming in 2017 and 2018,presents the natural beauties of the Black Sea region to the audience while revealing the disciplined working environment due to the technological and metal risks of metal mining.

The film tells the story of how the people of Eastern Black Sea region, who are mainly engaged in tea farming become acquainted with safe mining after the establishment of Çayeli Bakır. The film also shows contributions of the enterprise to the region through social development projects and the positive effects of employment.

The documentary will premiere at Rize Tea Film Festival on Saturday, September 22 at 14:00 at Rizeİsmail Kahraman Cultural Center.

Title: Beyond The Ore
Length: 48 minutes
Web site:
Genre: Documentary film
Area: Metal mining, industry, economy, regional development
Production Year: 2018
Country: Turkey
Language: Turkish (English subtitles)
Producer: ÇayeliBakırİşletmeleri
Director: Mehmet Binay
Executive Producer: Cemil Yarıkan
Editing: JasminGuşo
Cinematographer: Hüseyin Onan
Artistic Director: M.Caner Alper
Music: Hasan Özsüt
Screening: Rize Tea Film Festival, September 22, 2018, 14:00

For More Information:
Dr. Ercan Balcı ÇBİ Director of External Relations – 0 464 544 60 63
© 2014 - Çayeli Bakır İşletmeleri
Madenli Beldesi, 53200 Madenli, Çayeli / RİZE - TURKEY Tel: +90 (464) 544 1 544 | Fax: +90 (464) 544 64 50