Çayeli Bakır continues to increase the awareness of women from Rize

Çayeli Bakır İşletmeleri (ÇBI) trained the women living in Çayeli and Madenli, especially the wives of its employees, in order to strengthen the relationships among the family members. In the "Intra-Family Communication and Child Development Training Program" performed with the cooperation of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University and the Madenli Municipality, information on how to strengthen the daily life practices and the intra-family communication was given to the women.

Çayeli Bakır İşletmeleri (ÇBI) organized a training for the women living in Çayeli and Madenli, in particular for the wives of ÇBI employees, in order to help strengthen the position of the woman in the family and to increase the awareness for the social gender equality.

In the training program held on 27-28 October consisting of two parts titled “Inter-Parental Relationships” and “Parent-Child Relations”, detailed information about the issues “Child Development”, “Marriage and Family Life”, “Family and Life Skills” and “Gender” was provided to the women.

A total of 52 women participated in the training program on child and parent relations along with the solution suggestions for the healthy development of the child and the marriage and the problems that the family could face.

For More Information:
Dr. Ercan Balcı ÇBİ Director of External Affairs – 0 464 544 60 63
© 2014 - Çayeli Bakır İşletmeleri
Madenli Beldesi, 53200 Madenli, Çayeli / RİZE - TURKEY Tel: +90 (464) 544 1 544 | Fax: +90 (464) 544 64 50