Çayeli Copper Brings The Services Out Of The Company With Its 33-Year Experience

“Çayeli Bakır İşletmeleri Analysis Laboratory” which has been working within Çayeli Bakır İşletmeleri for 33 years has begun to offer services for institutions, organizations and individuals Çayeli Bakır İşletmeleri Analysis Laboratory (ÇBI-AL), a Çayeli Bakır İşletmeleri (ÇBI) unit, has started a new period in order to share its activities that it has been maintaining in-house for many years with all institutions, organizations and individuals.

“Çayeli Bakır İşletmeleri Analysis Laboratory” which has been working within Çayeli Bakır İşletmeleri for 33 years has begun to offer services for institutions, organizations and individuals Çayeli Bakır İşletmeleri Analysis Laboratory (ÇBI-AL), a Çayeli Bakır İşletmeleri (ÇBI) unit, has started a new period in order to share its activities that it has been maintaining in-house for many years with all institutions, organizations and individuals.

At the present time ÇBI-AL, which was founded in 1984 for the purpose of making copper and zinc analyses for the ÇBI drilling samples, performs analysis studies of more than 100 parameters while preparing specimens for the samples of ore, minerals, mining and plant products, waste, soil, sediments, surface and underground waters.

ÇBI-AL maintaining its laboratory studies for 33 years with its team of experts in their field aims to work in cooperation with companies that want to get services and to deliver its services to the whole world. ÇBI-AL having the Turkak Accreditation Certificate TS EN ISO 17025 serves in various fields such as sample/specimen preparation, geochemical multi element analyses (ICP-OES, AAS), gold analysis by fire assay/cupellation method, specific gravity of ore, core and industrial materials, moisture analysis in concentrate and ore, sieve analysis in ore and concentrate, X-Ray fluorescence spectroscopy analysis, lime analysis, environmental water and waste water analyses.

For More Information:
T: 0464 544 1 329 - 0464 544 1 333
F: 0464 544 64 50
© 2014 - Çayeli Bakır İşletmeleri
Madenli Beldesi, 53200 Madenli, Çayeli / RİZE - TURKEY Tel: +90 (464) 544 1 544 | Fax: +90 (464) 544 64 50