The wives of Çayeli Bakır employees go 600 meters underground

Çayeli Copper Operations, an underground metal mine operator of Turkey, is organizing ‘An Underground Tour for the Wives of Employees’. ÇBİ General Manager Iain Anderson, who surprised mine workers by uniting them with their wives 600 meters underground, said “Mining is a profession that requires the utmost care in execution. This is why we met with our Çayeli Copper employees and their wives. We wanted to show them how safe the mine their spouses are working in is, and let them experience it firsthand”.

An underground metal mine operator in Turkey, Çayeli Copper, brought the wives of mine workers 600 meters underground to raise awareness and draw attention to the importance to safe mining. Having organized ‘Underground Tours for Worker’s Wives’ before on a regular basis, Çayeli Copper arranged this tour without notice and surprised the workers.

ÇBİ General Manager Iain Anderson, who met with the mine worker wives and press representatives at a breakfast meeting before the tour, said “As Çayeli Copper, we regularly take the wives of our workers down to the mines to explain our operations. We want to put their minds at ease by showing them that our operations are compliant with international work safety standards. Mining is a profession that needs to be executed with the utmost care. When the necessary precautions are taken it is possible to conduct “safe mining” just like at Çayeli Copper. We are a company that carries the culture of safe operation and the habit of taking precautions against any kind of risk in our DNA. This is why we are meeting with the wives of our workers today”.

Çayeli Copper Operations Assistant General Manager Bülent Paralı and Foreign Relations Manager Ercan Balcı accompanied the worker’s wives in the event 600 meters underground. The ladies were provided with extensive safety information about descending into the mine and were then provided with personal protective equipment, before going down 600 meters into the mine.

uring their visit the ladies were given information on safe mining and introduced to the shelter stations that save lives in the event of any hazards in the mine. Thus the wives of Çayeli Copper employees were able to see firsthand the conditions that their husbands work in at 600 meters underground, and all the safety precautions that are taken. The ‘Underground Tour for the Wives of Employees’ ended above ground with a luncheon and ‘aşure’ offered for dessert.

For More Information:
Dr. Ercan Balcı ÇBİ Foreign Relations Manager – 0 464 544 60 63
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Madenli Beldesi, 53200 Madenli, Çayeli / RİZE - TURKEY Tel: +90 (464) 544 1 544 | Fax: +90 (464) 544 64 50