Our Quality Policy
As Çayeli Bakır İşletmeleri A.Ş., our mission is to ensure the projected production amount and quality, as well as a constant development, the protection of our employees through occupational safety, sustaining our operations without harming the environment thanks to our policies and practices, and contributing to sustainable development of the society we are part of.

Çayeli Bakır İşletmeleri A.Ş. supporting effective decision-making within its transparency norms, adopts the use of reliable systems that provide timely and correct information, environmental and occupational safety and social approval as an integral part of its operations, and accomplishes its missions thanks to its leadership skills and with the understanding “The Real Ore is Our Employees”.

Çayeli Bakır İşletmeleri A.Ş. guarantees to;
  • Maintain the highest levels of customer satisfaction,
  • Value its customers and employees as its motive to exist,
  • Follow and implement the technological developments and advancements,
  • Comply with ISO 9001:2015 Standard and the Quality Management System based on that,
  • Improve towards increasing and developing the system efficiency at each stage of production and support, by procurement of the resources required,
  • Create regular inspection and assessment programs for the improvements,
  • Organise a team of qualified and skilled personnel, contractors and companies, by providing training opportunities,
  • Operate in compliance with applicable national and international regulations on Occupational and Environmental Safety, remove and/or minimize hazards and risks that employees, visitors and residents may be exposed to due to the operations of Çayeli Bakır İşletmeleri A.Ş.,
  • And value the environment and the ethical conduct.
© 2014 - Çayeli Bakır İşletmeleri
Madenli Beldesi, 53200 Madenli, Çayeli / RİZE - TURKEY Tel: +90 (464) 544 1 544 | Fax: +90 (464) 544 64 50