Analysis Services
The Çayeli Bakır İşletmeleri Analysis Laboratory provides the following services to all sectors and universities in the field of mining.
  1. Sample Preparation
    • Sample Preparation Packages (drying, reduction, breaking, elimination, grinding)
    • Composite Sample Preparation
  2. Geochemical Analyzer (Sample Distortion / Breakdown and Multi Element traces package)
  3. Valuable Metal Analyses
  4. Concentrate and ore moisture analysis
  5. Ore, Core and Industrial Materials Specific Weight
  6. Flow Moisture Point (FMP) Detection in Sea Transport
  7. Transportable Moisture Limit (TML) Detection in Sea Transport
  8. Angle of Repose (AOR) Detection in Sea Transport
  9. Screen Analysis in Ore and Concentration
  10. Acid Production Potential in Ore Analysis
  11. Oxidation in Ore Test
  12. X-Ray Florescent Analysis
  13. Lime Analysis
  14. Surrounding Water and Waste Water Analyses
  15. Surrounding Dust Measurement Analyses

© 2014 - Çayeli Bakır İşletmeleri
Madenli Beldesi, 53200 Madenli, Çayeli / RİZE - TURKEY Tel: +90 (464) 544 1 544 | Fax: +90 (464) 544 64 50